Together on our masonic journey
The Five of Nine Club is for Freemasons in Warwickshire under the age of 55, or within two years of joining as an initiate.
We provide the opportunity for new, young and like-minded freemasons to socialise, and expand their social and masonic network.
We do this by organising visits to lodges for members to see ceremonies they have recently been through, or may be about to take part in as well as to lodges and provinces who do things a bit differently.
Above all our aim is to support all Five of Nine Club Members as we travel together on our masonic journey
Upcoming Club Events
Local Socials
Coventry Masonic Hall, Dalecote House
1st Friday of the Month at 7pm.
Coventry Masonic Hall, 165 Warwick Road, Coventry,CV3 6AU
Rugby Masonic Hall, Arnold house
1st Sunday of the Month at 5pm.
Elsee Rd, Rugby CV21 3BA
Birmingham City Centre
1st Saturday of the Month at 7pm.
Various (see WhatsApp Group for details)
Organiser: Richard Freakley